Turn your data into an infographic in just one click!

VisFlare lets you create infographics and visualizations with zero overhead

Create infographic instantly

Create infographic instantly

We offer a fully automated and data-driven way to create infographics directly in the web browser. You just need to select a visual template, put your data and VisFlare instantly creates an infographic. Keep your infographic always up to date just updating your plain data.
Overview af the app workflow.
Completely non-destructive art pipeline

Completely non-destructive art pipeline

We don't limit you to predefined diagram types or layouts. All our templates are a node-based system, every piece of which could be customized or even build from scratch.[1] VisFlare, as a data-driven and non-destructive tool, allows for quick and easy updates. You don't have to manually adjust visual shapes every time you update your data.
Sample app nodes structure.

Why VisFlare?

We know, good infographics don't just look nice, but they help significantly improve reader's involvement, better memorize information, and let stand out from the ocean of other data. As creators, we also understand how important is the flexibility of tools to visually express what we have in mind. At the same time, creating infographics and keeping it up to date could be very time-consuming and require special skills. That's why people often reject using visual data representation and stick to plain text or some bulleted lists.

VisFlare solves these problems. You get your infographics instantly, just after your data is updated. You could also adjust and customize any part of our templates or build one from scratch by yourself using our node-based editor.[1]